
Our Staffords



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We are staffordshire bull terrier fanatics located in Gormley, Ontario, Canada. Our goal is to make a contribution to the breed, both through limited, careful breeding and through legislative action related to breed specific legislation. Shown here is a young female, nVision Xtreme Can Do, at 12 months of age.

Urgent!! We would ask every Staffordshire Bull Terrier owner in Ontario to donate a minimum of $100 to the legal challenge of Bill 132. Click here for information on how you can donate. If you are not already a member of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Canada please join now - there is strength in numbers and the club needs your support.

New: with the passing of Bill 132, a horrible piece of legislation that bans the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in Ontario, we have put together a Tribute to Staffords and other affected dogs.



The McGuinty Liberals Must Go!
March 2005 -- Banned in Ontario: Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Why was the testimony of Donna Trempe, a mother whose child had been killed by another breed, ignored?

"Please, let's not look at banning specific breeds of dogs. Let's look at banning the irresponsible, dangerous owners who either train their dogs to attack or don't train them in good behaviour. Put them in jail. Fine them as you would a drunk driver. Make our society aware that if their dog attacks, there will be serious consequences, not months and years of lawyers battling in the legal system. That's what happened to us and that's just not right."

Visit dogwatch.net for details on this horrendous legislation.

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